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We Met in a Dream

Cathy Scofield July 20, 1951 - June 16th, 2017

Editor of Spiritual Garden Children Stories I was writing a short story for children after I dreamed about a snow angel coming to life. I had written my first story. I was looking for an editor. I dreamed about a lady editor and she was walking towards me and she had full dark hair. I woke from the dream in the middle of the night and told my husband I met the editor for my books in my dream. I knew this would happen.

A couple of weeks later my daughter who was living in Hawaii called asking me to join her for a visit. I booked my flight to Kauai. The plane was packed and I was seated by the window. The two seats next to me stayed empty as the plane filled to the max. I looked around and we were full and getting close to departure. Suddenly there was one lady, running late, walking down the isle looking for her seat. She looked like the lady in my dream. She stopped and took her seat on the isle. There we were with one seat between us. I knew this had to be the lady in my dream.


The funny part of this situation was that I was afraid to talk to her as I did not want to be removed from the plane for being crazy. Once in the air I leaned over and asked this stranger if she was an editor? She looked at me with a questioning look and said "yes!" I think we were both feeling a little strange at the situation. I went on and told her I needed an editor that was comfortable working with intuitive material. She explained that she had edited for psychics before, if fact she had been editing for a friend who is a psychic for years. We both agreed this is important and we exchanged information. I took a deep breath and relaxed knowing my dream was right as usual. Cathy was open to psychics and we became instant friends talking and sharing lunch together on the way to Kauai. Once back home we reconnected and got to work.

We have laughed about that plane ride for eleven years as we became best friends and in her own words sisters. Cathy edited my children's books that you can find on the kids page. She visited me and my family many times over the years and she often visits me in dreams.

For Cathy and myself, we both knew our relationship was supernatural and even though she has left this earth I still see her in my dreams.


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