John Catching (see blog post of 23 September 2016) was a psychic police detective in the 1980’s and 90’s. He is no longer living, but...
Psychic Fair History
Psychic fairs began to be popular in the early 80'sand even though I knew I would read for the first fair I applied to, I was actually...

In The Nick Of Time
This dream happened many years ago, but recalling the experience still gives me psychic shivers. I dreamed about a man who had been in a...
Each of Us is a Child of God
Each of us has a calling When you allow your child to be open to the psychic world, you may discover your child can hear and see things...
Quick Update on the Gas Leak
The gas lines have been replaced. But Lindy started feeling ill yesterday morning and the day before. She thought she smelled gas and...

Good Team Work Saves Lives
My daughter Lindy lives in my mother’s house. After my mother passed, my husband and I completely renovated the modest house and lived...